Srinivas P

Srinivas Padmanabharao is a Co-founder and Advisor of TCF. Srinivas focuses on helping evangelize the vision of TCF and accomplishments of the children through multiple mechanisms including social media, annual reports and direct outreach to patrons.  After a graduate degree in Eng. from IIT Bombay and an MBA from IIM Calcutta, he has spent many years working internationally in multiple countries as an IT consultant.

Srinivas with his co-founders was motivated to do what he could to provide for the children of the school. After informal work with the school in late 2008 and 2009, Srinivas was instrumental in the formation and registration of Tranquil Charitable Foundation trust with the Govt of Karnataka in 2010 and the subsequent adoption of  Gubbalala Higher Primary School (GHPS) by TCF.