World over, high quality government funded public education systems are a proven bedrock for societal progress. In India, the scale of the demand poses a challenge for most governments across the country.
Gubbalala Higher Primary School (GHPS – Bangalore South) is a typical kannada medium government school that faces the regular challenges of infrastructure, student-teacher ratio and other challenges. GHPS was formally adopted by Tranquil Charitable Foundation (TCF) through an MoU signed with the Karnataka Dept of Education, to adopt the school under the “Shale Dattu Yojana” scheme in Jan 2011.
This partnership with Gubbalala Higher Primary School (GHPS) has encompassed a wide range of interventions including infrastructure support, student support, teaching & academic support and direct academic intervention through volunteers. TCF has provided much-needed resources to improve the school’s physical infrastructure such as classrooms, libraries, and computer labs. The foundation has also supported students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds by providing scholarships, uniforms, and other essential supplies.
Fifteen years ago, the Tranquil Charitable Foundation (TCF) was founded to try and bring an innovative approach to address this critical issue in the education sector. At the heart of TCF’s mission lies the belief in the power of active involvement and leadership from the fortunate members of the society and local community. By providing daily on-the-ground support in all aspects of school life and by mentoring and supporting children throughout their educational endeavors, TCF is changing the trajectory of lives and families of many children. Our most recent annual report is available on YouTube.
Recognizing that education beyond higher primary is a critical need to earn a livelihood and break the cycles of poverty, TCF expanded its partnership to include support for all GHPS alumni and selected non-GHPS students, in pursuit of their academic desires in high school and beyond. We provide mentoring, counseling and financial assistance to ensure that students have the resources and guidance they need to succeed in higher education.
Whether at inter-school cultural competitions or state level open science examinations, our children’s excellence is well recognized. Over the years we have been thrilled to see our alumni go on to join and complete professional courses in engineering, science, accounting and other fields including enrollment in PhD programs at leading universities.
Over the past 15 years, we’ve supported over 2000 students and today the enrollment at GHPS is around 260 students (up from 70 when we started) and our alumni program is over 125 active children strong. These accomplishments have only been possible through putting in place dedicated support for the children. At GHPS we have a dedicated Academic Director and additional TCF funded teaching and non-teaching staff augmenting the government staff. We also support our alumni with mentoring support from our Alumni Director and conduct focused tuition classes with experienced teachers to augment their learning.
Our accomplishments are a testament to the dedication and commitment of our volunteers, teachers and above all – our beloved students. As Trustees, we are always humbled by the confidence and support of our donors, patrons, well-wishers and wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to TCF’s success. We are grateful for the recent recognition of our work through a feature in The Better India publication.
As we reflect on the past 15 years and celebrate the progress made in helping hundreds of children, we also remain steadfast in our commitment to find ways to make an even greater impact in the years to come. TCF is striving to create a world where more like minded individuals and organizations can get involved in their local communities to make high quality education accessible, equitable, and transformative for all.