Aniket Iyer

Beethoven once said Music can change the world

Young Aniket has taken it upon himself to prove this right. By combining his mellifluous voice, with dedication to his art and the blessings of his Guru Smt. Mala Shankar, he has regaled us over the course of nine days of Navratri – 2020.

With his music, he has turned Navratri into Nava-raaga-rasa . Each day over the nine days, he entertained all of us with his rendition of a different raaga, showcasing both his range and command over his chosen art form.

Very well done, Aniket. Our blessings are with you. Keep going.

Our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Aniket for choosing Tranquil Charity Foundation (TCF) as his charity partner to raise funds for, during this endeavor.

For a Youtube link to his musical rendition click here.

Here are a few words from Aniket himself:

Namaskarams to one and all. I’m Aniket Iyer – learning Carnatic Music under the tutelage of Smt. Mala Shankar (disciple of Sangeetha Kalanidhi Late Shri. DK Jayaraman)

It gives me great pleasure to present to you “Nine Days – Nine Compositions” : a musical offering to Devi on the auspicious days of Navratri.


If a poor child cannot come to education, education must go to him

Aptly said by Swami Vivekananda, even I believe that each and every child must receive education.

Under this firm belief I would like to take this opportunity to raise funds for Tranquil Charity Foundation – which facilitates education to the Underprivileged children